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natural laundry detergents

Best natural laundry detergent suitable for a Vegan lifestyle

Here’s something you need to know! If the world becomes vegan right now, nearly 8 million lives will be saved by 2050. That’s not all, the greenhouse emissions will reduce by two-thirds. Incredible news, no? If you are a vegan, you do maintain a plant-based lifestyle and wear vegan clothes.

But, have you ever thought about the ingredients of your chemical-based laundry detergent which you use to wash your clothes with? Well, there are many reasons why chemical-based laundry detergents are harmful.

However, these detergents contain several enzymes which belong to animals and the final products are tested on animals before they are supplied. So, if you want to be a true vegan, it’s time to look around for the best natural laundry detergent that’s suitable for a vegan lifestyle.

Is laundry detergent vegan?

Many chemical detergents contain harmful chemicals which are drained into the sea and ruin natural marine life. Furthermore, these chemicals contain animal-derived enzymes to give your clothes a brighter look and remove tough stains. These detergents mainly contain lipase enzymes from the pancreas of animals and are added to detergents to give a cleansing and soapy effect.

These animal-derived enzymes are usually found in chemical-based detergent to boost removing tough stains from your clothes. Even though these chemical-based detergents make your clothes clean and tidy, but the truth is, lots of animal testing is done to make sure that the detergent is useable and works well, and does not do much damage to your skin.

So, as a vegan, the last thing you want to do is to harm the animals and the environment. Therefore, using natural laundry detergent is the best solution to contribute positively to the environment. If you think you will find vegan detergents in your chemical detergents. You are wrong, my friend! Well, read along to know more about it.

What is a vegan detergent?

We believe that a vegan detergent is a natural laundry detergent, that does not use animal testing or add animal by-products in its production process. As a natural laundry detergent, it should be cruelty-free and be one-hundred percent vegan. Yes, that’s the only criteria that matter to us. So, to maintain a vegan lifestyle in your surroundings, it’s time to focus on minor details to ensure that you are using natural products to secure a safe environment.

Vegan detergents are plant-based detergents that are eco-friendly and do not damage the environment or your skin either. You might have noticed some sort of skin irritation when you use chemical-based detergents. Relatable, no? That’s what natural laundry detergents prevent and make sure that you don’t get skin irritation while you wash your clothes. Oh, and it makes your laundry routine completely safe!

What is the best detergent without chemicals?

We are going to guide you towards the best natural laundry detergent for your vegan lifestyle. Lumehra’s natural laundry detergents provide you with everything that you’ve been looking for! It’s the best natural laundry detergent which is completely vegan and cruelty-free.

Yes, a plant-based detergent that is safe for the environment, animals, and even you. Lumehra’s natural laundry detergents come in two refreshing flavors which will give your clothes a clean, bright, and fresh look. If you are a frequent user of chemical detergents and you worry about giving natural laundry detergent a try, trust me! you’ll never ever feel that it doesn’t work well. 

Lumehra’s laundry detergent offers tea tree oil laundry detergent and lavender detergent. Lumera’s tea tree oil detergent gives your clothes a brighter look and releases a fresh scent of tea tree from the detergent. On the other hand, if you are a flower lover and love the fragrance of fresh lavenders, you will enjoy the experience of doing laundry by washing clothes with lavender detergent. You won’t believe it, but you will definitely enjoy the fresh scent of lavender it gives once you’re done washing with your clothes. So, you don’t have to use your favorite perfume on your night out, the lavender scent will amuse everyone around you! 

Shop Natural Laundry Detergents


Trust me, you will enjoy the experience of doing laundry and feel the comfort in the aromatic therapy it gives, that too, free of cost! Believe it or not, as much boring as you find doing laundry, it will make you spend more time in your laundry room. So, it’s time to say goodbye to chemical-based detergents. 

If you think chemical-based detergents give better results, now is the time to try Lumehra’s natural laundry detergents and experience the clean and bright look of your clothes, without causing harm to the animals. Lumehra’s natural laundry detergents do not test its detergent on animals, neither it uses animal-derived enzymes in its ingredients.

These natural laundry detergents give your clothes a fresh, bright, and cleaner look, all with an amazing scent. Moreover, the most surprising part is, these natural laundry detergents will not cause damage to your skin or marine life. So, if you switch to these vegan detergents, you will not only do your clothes or animals a favor. You will contribute to a safe and eco-friendly environment by switching towards it.

If you look around your house, you might use other cleaning products to clean your home. Well, here’s the news! Lumehra’s laundry detergent can be used as a multi-purpose cleaning agent which you can use to clean your floor, kitchen, or other products. Isn’t buying one a better option to save some bucks and invest in a quality detergent? So what are you waiting for? Grab a cart and go shop from your nearest supermarket to buy a natural laundry detergent. If you don’t trust us, that’s okay! Try once and let us know if Lumehra’s laundry detergent works for you.

Have you tried Lumehra’s natural laundry detergent before? If not, then give it a go

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